
For inquiries or to book Lindsay for alpine, ice or rock climbing adventures or educational experiences in the U.S and abroad:


Pricing based on objective and regional guide service fees.

Track Lindsay’s travels:

Big shout out to

Mountain Equipment!

Always keeping me warm and dry from icy cold alpine elements!

For climbing training programs and injury recovery and prevention:

Upward Mobility Fitness

“The older you get, the more important it is not to act your age.”

- -Ashleigh Brilliant

- Carissa

“Climbing with Lindsay has been an honor. Over the years, I have gone on several trips with her. Lindsay's patience, kindness, dedication to her work, and persistence in crafting the best client experience possible has made her the absolute best in her field. Lindsay has mastered the ability to pair kindness with truth, especially in the face of difficult situations and unruly circumstances. The mountains are capable of being unruly and ruthless at times. Lindsay prioritizes risk mitigation and mutual honesty above the thrill of reaching every summit we have attempted. I know that no matter what situation we find ourselves in, she does everything in her power to ensure that I am learning how to make wise decisions in the mountains. 
Lindsay doesn't just guide people up mountains. She mentors, teaches, and leads with integrity.”